The Green Oasis is committed to providing our customers with the highest quality cannabis and the friendliest budtenders in Portland.


Green Oasis is 1 of 260 dispensaries in Portland, Oregon
1035 SE Tacoma
Portland, Oregon, 97202

(503) 206-7266

Mon-Thurs 10-9, Fri-Sat 10-10, Sunday 11-6

  • Recreational

Recent Activity

07/02/2017 - Green Oasis in Portland, Oregon

Green Oasis has added or updated the flower product: 9# Hammer by Old Apple Farm.

07/02/2017 - Green Oasis in Portland, Oregon

Green Oasis has added or updated the other product: 9lb Hammer by Old Apple Farm.

07/02/2017 - Green Oasis in Portland, Oregon

Green Oasis has added or updated the concentrate product: 9lb Hammer Cartridges by DocZ.

06/06/2017 - Green Oasis in Portland, Oregon

Green Oasis has added or updated the other product: ACDC by East Fork Cultivars.

10/21/2017 - Green Oasis in Portland, Oregon

Green Oasis has added or updated the other product: Afghani Hindu Kush by Golden Jasmine.